To divide the work and make these project a fastest, quality full, and benefited for all the nation, government of has haired Training Centers. Training Center are the key part between government and the students. Training centers are the one from where student get the training.In this note training centers holds lots of responsibility Which include.
1.) Training Center need to have a proper place and with all the facility as per the PMKVY guidelines.
2.) Training Center need to do the proper branding of PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojan).
3.) Training center need to provide quality training to the candidate.
4.)Training center need to manage attendance of the candidate.
5.) Training center need to make sure that the student will appear for the assessment.
6.)Training center need to help the candidate to get all the benefit of the project at the same time it is the responsibility of the training center to provide proper placement to candidate.
SCP Foundation is an all India working NGO and the number one training centre of PMKVY(Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana. Our work is to help the franchise in order to associate with the government for the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana(PMKVY) project. We have more than 5 centers in India for the PMKVY(Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) scheme. We charge nothing for our services. If any franchise is interested they can contact to SCP FOUNDATION. We are happy to help you.
pmkvy 2.0 training centre | pmkvy centre | pmkvy training centre in Delhi | pmkvy training centre in up | pmkvy training centre in Bihar|pmkvy training centre in maharashtra| pmkvy centre in haryana.How does a student enroll for PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana Scheme has created awareness amongst the youth through SMS by partnering with various telecom operators. To enroll, candidates should give a missed call on the toll-free number-1800 102 6000. Potential candidates will receive a callback and will be asked to give the details into the system. These details will be recorded and will be screened. Eligible candidates will be provided with the details of the nearest training centers and will be issued a date for starting the training program on training dates. It is compulsory for the candidates to have an Aadhar Card or Voter ID or Pan Card.
All Training Centers should pay a Registration Fee of Rs. 12000. Annual monitoring fee of Rs. 8000 shall also be paid to monitor the activities of the training centers. Training Centers will also have to a pay an Affiliation fee of Rs. 1000 for each job role. Affiliation is granted to the Training Centers according to the job roles provided.
Training Centers would be designed to deliver PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) with a dedicated team. Training centers can provide government sponsored programs with guidelines pertaining with respective authorities.PMKVY Franchisee will be given less priority and these franchisees, according to their performance will either be converted to a dedicated training center or be phased out. First level franchisees are allowed to work under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) Scheme. A suitable amount of due diligence is required between PMKVY franchisee and franchisor. A legal agreement must govern all franchisee and franchisor. NSDC shall not interfere in operational and disputes between franchisee and franchisor. Franchisees will be phased out as this scheme would not promote Training Centers to carry out other business operations using the resources provided by the PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana). The training center will have to ensure attendance and will be assessed at all times. Students who do not have a bank account will be provided a Jan Dhan account with the help of the Training Centers associated with PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) Scheme.
Training Partners are always under the microscope in the PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) scheme. Digital training facilities and able instructors are highly appreciated by NSDC and SSC. The curriculum developed by them should be highly relevant to the employability. Training sessions are constantly monitored by the Government.
Eligibility for Placement Payouts-
Training Centers in the PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) Scheme should have placed 50% of the successfully certified candidates.
Training Centers should make provision for post placement sessions under PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) Scheme.
Training Centers will be discontinued if the placement rate is less than 50%.
Training Centers should provide a letter of employment of the candidate, salary slips, and salary certificate under PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) SCHEME.
If the candidate wants to get self-employed either of getting employed under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana Scheme (PMKVY Scheme), they need to provide the Training Centers with their Trade License, Proof of enterprise set up, proof of additional earning, etc.
Apart from training provided in PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) Scheme, the candidates shall go through for a assessment at the end of the training schedule. A certificate of merit shall also be given at the end of the training period based on the assessment. SSC or the successors of NBSC will issue certificates to the successful candidates. Every candidate shall be provided with the 5- year accidental cover of Prime Minister Insurance scheme costing Rs. 60 per candidate for 5 years. An average monetary reward of Rs. 8000 is rewarded to successful candidates in the PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) Scheme.
A failed or absent candidate can avail re-assessment during the entire period f the PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) scheme. The training partner will pay the re-assessment fees to the SSC and encourage the failed candidates to get their certification done.
A year later after the launch of the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) scheme on 15th July 2016, around 18 Lakh candidates have enrolled, and 17.93 lakh have been trained under this scheme. The National Skills Development Corporation is going to set up 50 India International Skill centers in the country by the end of 2016. This will help provide training to health workers, retail, security, tourism, hospitality, construction and domestic workers. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) or Prime Minister Skill Development Scheme is on its path to achieve bigger goals and to decrease the unemployment rate in the country by 2022.
successfully completion of the training their skills will be accessed and then certified under RPL i.e Recognition of Prior Learning. The scheme helps the youth to get skillfully qualified and get an advantage in querying good jobs or start up with their own work.
SCP Foundation is one of national level development organization which is every year providing direct benefit to over large number of children and their families every year, through its live welfare projects, people of our nation which is based upon education, healthcare, livelihood employment and women empowerment, over good number of remote villages and slums across different states of India. MUSKAN from the starting itself works on a delegated work environment. Each and every person in MUSKAN is fully involved in the process of decision making in a particular system so that the things move in a clear and precise way. We at MUSKAN work as Work as a role model in bringing required change in the lives of underprivileged children, youth and women, with a life-cycle approach of development. MUSKAN has taken the certain step to develop the life style of our nation and has successfully and with a great passion they are working on it .That is the reason they cater each and every rural area to let the people benefited the government plans. Muskan has very successfully educated the Indians under NDLM schemes that they can get digital education which as Digitization is must for a nation to grow and to develop and now it is working hard for the new scheme launched as PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana). Under this National Digital Literacy Mission people are given computer education so that they can be computer savvy. To make a person IT literate, so that they can easily access most of the digital devices, such as cell phones, tablets, etc., send and receive emails and surfing or can obtain any information from the net easily. Around 8 lakh of beneficiaries will be eligible for training fee support from the government. The rest 100,000 beneficiaries will be trained by the industry and civil society partners. Apart from this NDLM project we have got the opportunity work with one of the effective program of government known as Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana abbreviated as PMKVY. The allocated budget of this program is 13,000 crore. Under PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) Scheme a good amount of Indian youth given the golden opportunity to attend this industry-relevant skill training which will help them in securing a better livelihood. After the successfully completion of the training their skills will be accessed and then certified under RPL i.e Recognition of Prior Learning. The PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) scheme helps the youth to get skillfully qualified and get an advantage in querying good jobs or start up with their own work. For more details: About Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY Franchise) (prime minister skill development programme) 9555170710, 9555596057
PMKVY stands for Pradhan Mantri Kauhal Vikas Yojana which is basically a scheme which has been launched in India with the vision to skill the Indian Youths and make them capable of working for the various job roles. This scheme has been launched in India by our honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi on 15 July 2015 with the vision to skilled the Indian Youths and make them capable of working for the various job roles. There are 419 job roles which has been defined under PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) scheme and these job roles has been settled into 34 sectors. Each of the sector as well as job role has been designed to provide training in a theoretical and practical format as well.
SSC stands for Sector Skill Council. Sector Skill Council is basically a Industry which has formed to hold the responsibility of providing skill to the needy , to make sure that all the work is going well, to monitor them as well as well make sure about the certifications as well. SSC (Sector Skill Council) fixed the NOS(National Occupation Standards) and NQP( National Qualification Pack) and make sure that the relevant job role is for the relevant pack.
Inspection Agencies are the one whose work is to do inspection on the training center after the CAAF submission and deemed ready to see whether the center is meeting the accreditation standards or not. And the report submitted by them is the one which decide the seat allotment.
CAAF stands for Center Accreditation Affiliation Forum which is a basically a self assessment forum. Which a franchise need to fill in order to affiliate his center with the government with some necessary documents and photographs. This form is the important forum which is required to be filled in order to affiliate the center.
Training Centers are the one whose work is to provide training to the candidate. Training Centers holds certain jobs and responsibilities on them. First of all, Training center need to be enthusiastic towards the project. Secondly, they need to provide quality training to the candidates. They need to maintain the attendance of the candidate, make sure that the candidate must appear for the online examination.
Training Partners are the kind of helping hand between the government and the franchise. The work of Training Partners is to help the government for the implementation of the project at the same time to help the franchise for understanding the project at the same time to go through the legal documentations.
What is 'Deemed ready'?
When a franchise filled CAAF ( Center Accreditation and Application forum) after the submission of CAAF it will one of the two results either Deemed Ready or Deemed Not Ready. Deemed Ready simply means CAAF has been filled right and now franchise need to wait for the inspection.
What is deemed not ready?
When a franchise filled the CAAF and after that if it shows Deemed not ready that simply means that the CAAF which has been submitted is not good or there is some problem with the information or the information which has been filled is incorrect.
In order to open a PMKVY( Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) center all what a franchise needed is at least 1500 sq. feet land with at with the construction of Laboratory, class room, reception area, directors room, counseling cells and separate washroom for male and females. There are some basic things which must be in the PMKVY(Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) center. First of all a AEBM(Adhar Enable Biometric Machine), clean drinking water facility, fire extinguish equipments, first aid kit, dustbin in every class room and laboratory.
In case if the Training Center is not satisfied with the report of Inspection agency what all he need to do is file a written complain to the Appellate Committee, with the monitory amount of Rs 12000. Training center need to complain within the time period of 15 days right after the report received. The committee will decide and recommend as per the situation and evidence. The process will be soon visible on SMART.
SMART stands for Skill Management Accreditation of Training Centers. This is basically an Information Technology's priority which has been taken to SMART provides basically a single widow for the accreditation, affiliation, and Monitoring of the TC (Training Center).
In order to apply for the accreditation all what a training center required to do is just need to fill a an center accreditation application form known as CAAF with the details about all the single job roles, equipments, area and everything along with the affiliation fees which will include Rs 12000 as Registration fee, Annual monitoring fee Rs 8000, Affiliation fee Rs 1000(each job roles), Sector fee Rs 6000(each sector). Once the Training center has submitted the CAAF he need to wait for the result it will show one of the two results either Deemed ready or deemed not ready. If its deemed ready then the next step will be inspection from the government side and the report will decide the seat allotment and if its deemed not ready then first Training center need to wait for the deemed ready then only the inspection process will start.
Center accreditation is the process which helps the providing the effective training to the candidate. Center Accreditation makes sure that the training center is as per the guidelines and meet the all the standards of providing quality training which has been set by the SSC. Center accreditation involves self assessment that is CCAF and inspection by the inspection agency.
Franchise cannot appeal against the appellate agency. The decision taken by the appellate agency will be the final one.
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